Choose To Be ............. Present!

Choose To Be . . . . . . . .Present!


I am reminded today after reading the beautiful communication from a relative of mine, her words now filled with awe, clarity, vulnerability and personal power that………………………….

  • Important relationships take time, energy and patience. For instance, I have waited 50 years to really experience that emerging wholeness of this relatives’ intelligence, now in a beautiful mix with her life experience, all her successes and all her best attempts at success.
  • Timing is everything. What feels today like confusion, frustration or even hopelessness in your relationships is a combination of you and them. Projections, tensions, triggers and stories go back and forth and frequently are unrecognized and certainly unacknowledged.
  • We can choose to be in almost any relationship (or not) and to practice bringing truth, love and compassion to ourselves and to the other. Sometimes the gift of truth, even if difficult to give or receive plants a seed needing an unknown and unknowable time to bloom.
  • The love or attraction to or in a relationship may be eternal yet the full manifestation of the relationship meeting your hopes and expectations may wait even for the next lifetime.
  • We can revisit a relationship from time to time and see what level the mutual flow is existing. And please bring along with you to that revisitation all the new insights and humility you have gained and explore how your container has strengthened and expanded, holding the relationship up to its highest potential in the new moments.
  • We might remember that all relationships are gorgeous mirrors, mirrors that reflect back to us our strengths, vulnerabilities and the areas of our persona that require more light to reveal their holy intentions deep in our soul.
  • We can choose ……… be present………. in all our relationships.

May we be blessed to live the life we were meant to, giving our gifts as well as we know how.